HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

(Erstwhile HSBC India Opportunities Fund - Growth)

Category: Equity: Flexi Cap
Launch Date: 24-02-2004
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.93% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 5,041.56 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 50%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


2.52 (1.2205%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Venugopal Manghat, Abhishek Gupta

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to invest across all market capitalisations including large, mid and small cap stocks. It will mainly focus on mid-cap companies, which have the potential to become large-caps over time. Though the fund will basically invest in equities, it may move some portion of its assets (up to 50 per cent) into debt and money market instruments, in case equity market tanks.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
24-02-2004 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
24-03-2004 9.08 - 90800 -9.2 %
27-04-2004 10.41 - 104100 4.1 %
24-05-2004 9.91 - 99100 -0.9 %
24-06-2004 8.9074 - 89074 -10.93 %
26-07-2004 10.0118 - 100118 0.12 %
24-08-2004 10.2017 - 102017 2.02 %
24-09-2004 11.135 - 111350 11.35 %
25-10-2004 10.941 - 109410 9.41 %
24-11-2004 11.9555 - 119555 19.55 %
24-12-2004 13.197 - 131970 31.97 %
24-01-2005 12.3865 - 123865 23.86 %
24-02-2005 13.5877 - 135877 35.88 %
24-03-2005 12.9415 - 129415 29.42 %
25-04-2005 12.8905 - 128905 28.9 %
24-05-2005 13.3451 - 133451 33.45 %
24-06-2005 13.8226 - 138226 38.23 %
25-07-2005 15.0538 - 150538 50.54 %
24-08-2005 15.6762 - 156762 56.76 %
26-09-2005 17.439 - 174390 74.39 %
24-10-2005 16.4392 - 164392 64.39 %
24-11-2005 17.681 - 176810 76.81 %
26-12-2005 18.5855 - 185855 85.86 %
24-01-2006 20.1538 - 201538 101.54 %
24-02-2006 20.1162 - 201162 101.16 %
24-03-2006 22.3152 - 223152 123.15 %
24-04-2006 24.8496 - 248496 148.5 %
24-05-2006 22.4193 - 224193 124.19 %
26-06-2006 20.3 - 203000 103.0 %
24-07-2006 19.8359 - 198359 98.36 %
24-08-2006 23.1499 - 231499 131.5 %
25-09-2006 24.0467 - 240467 140.47 %
26-10-2006 25.2409 - 252409 152.41 %
24-11-2006 28.0741 - 280741 180.74 %
26-12-2006 28.7396 - 287396 187.4 %
24-01-2007 29.4923 - 294923 194.92 %
26-02-2007 27.5706 - 275706 175.71 %
26-03-2007 26.9602 - 269602 169.6 %
24-04-2007 28.3674 - 283674 183.67 %
24-05-2007 29.6971 - 296971 196.97 %
25-06-2007 30.7064 - 307064 207.06 %
24-07-2007 31.7866 - 317866 217.87 %
24-08-2007 28.951 - 289510 189.51 %
24-09-2007 33.2179 - 332179 232.18 %
24-10-2007 36.6038 - 366038 266.04 %
26-11-2007 39.3248 - 393248 293.25 %
24-12-2007 42.1116 - 421116 321.12 %
24-01-2008 36.1758 - 361758 261.76 %
25-02-2008 35.1864 - 351864 251.86 %
24-03-2008 29.0852 - 290852 190.85 %
24-04-2008 32.8546 - 328546 228.55 %
26-05-2008 32.6155 - 326155 226.16 %
24-06-2008 28.6388 - 286388 186.39 %
24-07-2008 28.5106 - 285106 185.11 %
25-08-2008 28.2599 - 282599 182.6 %
24-09-2008 26.6535 - 266535 166.54 %
24-10-2008 18.0646 - 180646 80.65 %
24-11-2008 18.6572 - 186572 86.57 %
24-12-2008 19.7187 - 197187 97.19 %
27-01-2009 19.0026 - 190026 90.03 %
24-02-2009 18.7757 - 187757 87.76 %
24-03-2009 19.112 - 191120 91.12 %
24-04-2009 22.0857 - 220857 120.86 %
25-05-2009 25.8196 - 258196 158.2 %
24-06-2009 26.7666 - 267666 167.67 %
24-07-2009 28.0942 - 280942 180.94 %
24-08-2009 28.9007 - 289007 189.01 %
24-09-2009 30.1923 - 301923 201.92 %
26-10-2009 30.8981 - 308981 208.98 %
24-11-2009 31.6665 - 316665 216.67 %
24-12-2009 32.0945 - 320945 220.94 %
25-01-2010 30.9518 - 309518 209.52 %
24-02-2010 30.2307 - 302307 202.31 %
25-03-2010 31.9429 - 319429 219.43 %
26-04-2010 32.3168 - 323168 223.17 %
24-05-2010 30.6683 - 306683 206.68 %
24-06-2010 32.6996 - 326996 227.0 %
26-07-2010 33.2178 - 332178 232.18 %
24-08-2010 34.5991 - 345991 245.99 %
24-09-2010 37.1384 - 371384 271.38 %
25-10-2010 37.8596 - 378596 278.6 %
24-11-2010 36.3433 - 363433 263.43 %
24-12-2010 36.7063 - 367063 267.06 %
24-01-2011 35.1956 - 351956 251.96 %
24-02-2011 32.3281 - 323281 223.28 %
24-03-2011 34.0017 - 340017 240.02 %
25-04-2011 36.0708 - 360708 260.71 %
24-05-2011 33.9309 - 339309 239.31 %
24-06-2011 34.4902 - 344902 244.9 %
25-07-2011 35.8404 - 358404 258.4 %
24-08-2011 32.153 - 321530 221.53 %
26-09-2011 31.7711 - 317711 217.71 %
24-10-2011 32.7483 - 327483 227.48 %
24-11-2011 31.0048 - 310048 210.05 %
26-12-2011 30.8707 - 308707 208.71 %
24-01-2012 32.8291 - 328291 228.29 %
24-02-2012 34.5649 - 345649 245.65 %
26-03-2012 33.5736 - 335736 235.74 %
24-04-2012 34.1608 - 341608 241.61 %
24-05-2012 32.7486 - 327486 227.49 %
25-06-2012 33.6179 - 336179 236.18 %
24-07-2012 33.8883 - 338883 238.88 %
24-08-2012 34.8267 - 348267 248.27 %
24-09-2012 36.7081 - 367081 267.08 %
25-10-2012 36.4872 - 364872 264.87 %
26-11-2012 35.6341 - 356341 256.34 %
24-12-2012 37.2847 - 372847 272.85 %
24-01-2013 37.7006 - 377006 277.01 %
25-02-2013 36.5136 - 365136 265.14 %
25-03-2013 34.2788 - 342788 242.79 %
25-04-2013 35.7561 - 357561 257.56 %
24-05-2013 36.4363 - 364363 264.36 %
24-06-2013 34.0845 - 340845 240.85 %
24-07-2013 35.6209 - 356209 256.21 %
26-08-2013 33.2658 - 332658 232.66 %
24-09-2013 35.4821 - 354821 254.82 %
24-10-2013 37.9729 - 379729 279.73 %
25-11-2013 38.456 - 384560 284.56 %
24-12-2013 40.7191 - 407191 307.19 %
24-01-2014 40.3239 - 403239 303.24 %
24-02-2014 41.2553 - 412553 312.55 %
24-03-2014 43.5337 - 435337 335.34 %
25-04-2014 45.9934 - 459934 359.93 %
26-05-2014 51.7597 - 517597 417.6 %
24-06-2014 54.1296 - 541296 441.3 %
24-07-2014 55.7283 - 557283 457.28 %
25-08-2014 56.8697 - 568697 468.7 %
24-09-2014 58.5049 - 585049 485.05 %
27-10-2014 58.4817 - 584817 484.82 %
24-11-2014 63.1746 - 631746 531.75 %
24-12-2014 61.9004 - 619004 519.0 %
27-01-2015 67.6059 - 676059 576.06 %
24-02-2015 66.8881 - 668881 568.88 %
24-03-2015 65.1175 - 651175 551.18 %
24-04-2015 63.6061 - 636061 536.06 %
25-05-2015 65.2467 - 652467 552.47 %
24-06-2015 65.3915 - 653915 553.92 %
24-07-2015 66.1791 - 661791 561.79 %
24-08-2015 60.245 - 602450 502.45 %
24-09-2015 61.209 - 612090 512.09 %
26-10-2015 62.7113 - 627113 527.11 %
24-11-2015 61.1022 - 611022 511.02 %
24-12-2015 61.5042 - 615042 515.04 %
25-01-2016 57.5841 - 575841 475.84 %
24-02-2016 54.1141 - 541141 441.14 %
28-03-2016 59.6839 - 596839 496.84 %
25-04-2016 62.485 - 624850 524.85 %
24-05-2016 62.9102 - 629102 529.1 %
24-06-2016 65.4303 - 654303 554.3 %
25-07-2016 70.4243 - 704243 604.24 %
24-08-2016 71.3503 - 713503 613.5 %
26-09-2016 73.0537 - 730537 630.54 %
24-10-2016 74.1143 - 741143 641.14 %
24-11-2016 64.3925 - 643925 543.93 %
26-12-2016 62.6934 - 626934 526.93 %
24-01-2017 70.1007 - 701007 601.01 %
27-02-2017 74.4797 - 744797 644.8 %
24-03-2017 76.4365 - 764365 664.37 %
24-04-2017 77.7109 - 777109 677.11 %
24-05-2017 76.9725 - 769725 669.73 %
27-06-2017 79.0195 - 790195 690.2 %
24-07-2017 83.6842 - 836842 736.84 %
24-08-2017 82.9912 - 829912 729.91 %
25-09-2017 83.1825 - 831825 731.83 %
24-10-2017 86.6507 - 866507 766.51 %
24-11-2017 88.3542 - 883542 783.54 %
26-12-2017 91.4916 - 914916 814.92 %
24-01-2018 94.1597 - 941597 841.6 %
26-02-2018 88.7635 - 887635 787.63 %
26-03-2018 84.8574 - 848574 748.57 %
24-04-2018 89.2498 - 892498 792.5 %
24-05-2018 86.1858 - 861858 761.86 %
25-06-2018 86.4789 - 864789 764.79 %
24-07-2018 88.4326 - 884326 784.33 %
24-08-2018 92.1002 - 921002 821.0 %
24-09-2018 83.9603 - 839603 739.6 %
24-10-2018 77.7552 - 777552 677.55 %
26-11-2018 81.0908 - 810908 710.91 %
24-12-2018 80.778 - 807780 707.78 %
24-01-2019 81.177 - 811770 711.77 %
25-02-2019 80.8155 - 808155 708.15 %
25-03-2019 85.7311 - 857311 757.31 %
24-04-2019 87.5861 - 875861 775.86 %
24-05-2019 86.1637 - 861637 761.64 %
24-06-2019 84.0532 - 840532 740.53 %
24-07-2019 80.577 - 805770 705.77 %
26-08-2019 78.3243 - 783243 683.24 %
24-09-2019 83.2994 - 832994 732.99 %
24-10-2019 83.6008 - 836008 736.01 %
25-11-2019 85.4442 - 854442 754.44 %
24-12-2019 87.3135 - 873135 773.13 %
24-01-2020 90.5686 - 905686 805.69 %
24-02-2020 89.7356 - 897356 797.36 %
24-03-2020 57.6792 - 576792 476.79 %
24-04-2020 67.6391 - 676391 576.39 %
26-05-2020 65.8566 - 658566 558.57 %
24-06-2020 75.1117 - 751117 651.12 %
24-07-2020 80.4021 - 804021 704.02 %
24-08-2020 83.8 - 838000 738.0 %
24-09-2020 79.4309 - 794309 694.31 %
26-10-2020 85.7097 - 857097 757.1 %
24-11-2020 94.9547 - 949547 849.55 %
24-12-2020 99.6072 - 996072 896.07 %
25-01-2021 103.61 - 1036100 936.1 %
24-02-2021 109.2244 - 1092244 992.24 %
24-03-2021 105.842 - 1058420 958.42 %
26-04-2021 105.2074 - 1052074 952.07 %
24-05-2021 112.228 - 1122280 1022.28 %
24-06-2021 117.3036 - 1173036 1073.04 %
26-07-2021 121.3518 - 1213518 1113.52 %
24-08-2021 123.4487 - 1234487 1134.49 %
24-09-2021 132.2903 - 1322903 1222.9 %
25-10-2021 134.5267 - 1345267 1245.27 %
24-11-2021 133.6541 - 1336541 1236.54 %
24-12-2021 131.8401 - 1318401 1218.4 %
24-01-2022 132.0076 - 1320076 1220.08 %
24-02-2022 122.0003 - 1220003 1120.0 %
24-03-2022 128.6877 - 1286877 1186.88 %
25-04-2022 127.9322 - 1279322 1179.32 %
24-05-2022 117.4778 - 1174778 1074.78 %
24-06-2022 113.0153 - 1130153 1030.15 %
25-07-2022 121.6242 - 1216242 1116.24 %
24-08-2022 128.1154 - 1281154 1181.15 %
26-09-2022 124.0185 - 1240185 1140.18 %
25-10-2022 128.5395 - 1285395 1185.39 %
24-11-2022 130.9991 - 1309991 1209.99 %
26-12-2022 128.3003 - 1283003 1183.0 %
24-01-2023 129.4518 - 1294518 1194.52 %
24-02-2023 128.1406 - 1281406 1181.41 %
24-03-2023 125.188 - 1251880 1151.88 %
24-04-2023 130.3202 - 1303202 1203.2 %
24-05-2023 134.2137 - 1342137 1242.14 %
26-06-2023 139.5003 - 1395003 1295.0 %
24-07-2023 146.6142 - 1466142 1366.14 %
24-08-2023 149.8148 - 1498148 1398.15 %
25-09-2023 152.6477 - 1526477 1426.48 %
25-10-2023 147.6422 - 1476422 1376.42 %
24-11-2023 156.8764 - 1568764 1468.76 %
26-12-2023 167.9324 - 1679324 1579.32 %
24-01-2024 172.7475 - 1727475 1627.48 %
26-02-2024 183.7878 - 1837878 1737.88 %
26-03-2024 180.9245 - 1809245 1709.24 %
24-04-2024 186.9356 - 1869356 1769.36 %
24-05-2024 195.5145 - 1955145 1855.14 %
24-06-2024 207.0928 - 2070928 1970.93 %
24-07-2024 211.9619 - 2119619 2019.62 %
26-08-2024 219.6751 - 2196751 2096.75 %
24-09-2024 229.6927 - 2296927 2196.93 %
24-10-2024 216.1034 - 2161034 2061.03 %
25-11-2024 217.6048 - 2176048 2076.05 %
24-12-2024 218.5154 - 2185154 2085.15 %
14-01-2025 206.3767 - 2063767 1963.77 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth 11.4 0.76 2.39 0.95 - -
Equity: Flexi Cap - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth 24-02-2004 18.97 26.31 13.17 18.17 12.53
Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan-Growth Option 08-04-2014 27.83 33.88 17.94 16.58 14.22
Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund - Growth 05-02-2022 22.74 29.98 0.0 0.0 0.0
JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option 23-09-2008 22.39 32.97 21.42 22.65 16.58
Bajaj Finserv Flexi Cap Fund -Regular Plan-Growth 01-08-2023 18.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BANK OF INDIA Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan -Growth 05-06-2020 18.61 29.44 16.81 0.0 0.0
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-05-2013 18.42 27.44 14.65 23.71 17.16
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Growth Plan 01-01-1995 17.97 25.14 20.31 21.46 14.46
360 ONE FLEXICAP FUND-REGULAR PLAN- GROWTH 04-06-2023 17.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WhiteOak Capital Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan-Growth 05-08-2022 16.45 24.71 0.0 0.0 0.0

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


